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Caregiver Support

Caregiver Support
Life Span Educators provide educational programming and resources to caregivers across the state.
Program Examples
It is our goal to support family caregivers by providing the tools and resources they need to be successful in their own self-care, provide them opportunity to connect with other caregivers and the knowledge to utilize the community resources they need to be care for their loved one.
Caregiver How-to Sheets
These are county specific handouts designed for family caregivers. The How-to Sheet provides information on where to access support programs, potential funding sources and local resources.
Employed Caregiver Survey
The Employed Caregiver Survey addresses the growing needs of employees who are adult caregivers.
This confidential, web-based survey process produces a report which defines the scope and needs of employed caregivers and makes recommendations for assistance.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
In some counties across the state, Extension Educators partner with local agencies to offer Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC).
PTC is a 6-week, evidence-based program that provides participants with an opportunity to build knowledge and skills that will help them.
- Reduce Stress
- Improve Self-Confidence
- Manage Time, Set Goals, and Solve Problems
- Better Communicate Their Feelings
- Locate Helpful Resources
- Make Tough Decisions
An organized space where family caregivers gather to socialize, give and receive support, and learn about available resources and tools. When possible, respite care is provided free of charge.