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Sample Text for the Employed Caregiver Survey
We recommend sending a reminder every 7 to 10 days the survey is open, and we have the following sample text you can use for these reminders.
Sample Introduction email (send about a week before launching survey)
As we discussed at our all staff meeting last week, we are working with UW—Madison, Division of Extension to survey our workforce about the caregiving employees may be providing to friends and family members with disabilities, chronic health conditions, and special healthcare needs so that we may better respond to those needs. I want to assure you that the survey is anonymous, and no information you provide will be used to identify you individually. The survey will take no more than ten minutes to complete, and you can read more about it here. Please keep your eyes out for an email with the link to the survey next week.
Example of first reminder email:
As you may remember, our workplace is participating in the Employed Caregiver Survey. To date, our participation rates is ___%. If you have not completed the survey, please consider doing now. It will take no more than ten minutes. The survey will only be available until ____. All responses are anonymous, and results will help us find out how caregiving is affecting ____ employees and identify educational resources that can help employed caregivers. As a reminder, management supports using your work time and work computers to complete the survey. Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions. Thank you.
Example of second reminder email:
Did you know that approximately 40 million Americans are providing care to a family member or friend with an illness or disability, and nearly 60% of them also work a paying job? In order to understand how caregiving impacts our workforce, we are participating in the Employed Caregiver Survey. Thank you to the ___ employees who have responded to the survey thus far. The survey is only available until _____, so there is not much time left for you to respond. Remember: all responses are anonymous and will not be in a way that can identify individual responses. Thank you.
Example of third reminder email:
Good morning!
This is your last reminder about completing the Employed Caregiver Survey as it will close in ___ days! If you have not participated, please consider doing sonow! We need you to take 10 minutes to complete the survey. By completing the survey, you’ll have a say in determining the programs and resources brought into _____ to assist caregivers.
Example email to share results:
Hello, all:
As you may remember, we participated in the Employed Caregiver Survey last month in order to better understand the needs of our workforce as they pertain to caregiving. I have attached the results of the survey, and look forward to discussing the findings as well as how we might respond to them with you over the next few months.