Hmong Planning Ahead

What is Hmong Planning AHEAD?

The goal of this curriculum is to guide members of the Hmong community toward a better understanding of when one reaches 120 years old, as well as prioritizing their future.

Vim Li Cas Koj Yuav Tsum ‘Npaj Ua Ntej?’

Lub hom phiaj ntawm cov ntaub ntawv kawm no yog los qhia tsoom Hmoob txog ntawm txoj kev kawg ntawm lub neej nrog rau cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb ntawm koj txoj kev saib xyuas yav tom ntej thaum koj puv 120-xyoo.

What is in this curriculum?

The curriculum contains 7 color-coded topics that provide useful information, worksheets, and real-life case scenarios that are culturally appropriate for the Hmong community to show you how to plan for when you are 120 years old.

Phau Ntawv No Qhia Txog Dab Tsis?

Muaj 7 yam ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb hais txog cov ntawv ua haujlwm, thiab cov xwm txheej ntawm lub neej tiag tiag los qhia koj tias kev npaj rau lub neej kawg ua hauj lwm li cas thiab nws yuav zoo li cas.

For program requests or upcoming events, please contact Jenny Abel, or Sara Richie,

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